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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Susan Rice & Other Scandals

The Susan Rice revelation explains why the Democrats are bulldog-like hanging onto their Russia myth. Like "Global Warming" is a marvelous-but-tarnished false flag, they need a false flag to justify their power-abuse-usage of national intelligence agencies to spy on the Trump team looking for "dirt".  Indeed, "dirt" had been a prime-mover to get Barack Obama elected to be Illinois' junior U.S. Senator. Obama will never forget how he rose from obscurity to the highest office in the land. Obama's Republican compepetion had endured a particularly "rough" divorce so dropped out when exposure loomed large leaving Obama to win easily.

Serious Trump-hating people trying to "dig dirt" for evidence of Russian attempted influence the 2016 election, has had no success. The New York Review of Books and Rolling Stone magazine Trump/Republican-haters have investigated in vain and disgustedly livid. Nevertheless, there are ceaseless alllegations - factless assertions with nothing whatsoever to back them up. And NOBODY was "terminated with extreme prejudice" at a traffic light to make evidence "disappear" or intimidate witnesses.

Here is the basic gist of the story:

The no-evidence claim is that (A) the Russians wanted Donald Trump to win for some unknown reason; and (B) The Russians thought they could help Trump win by Wikileaks-leaked emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee revealing Democrats' collusion against Hillary Clinton's only-lonely opponent - Bernie (Burnin' Sandals) Sanders.

Addressing the "unknown reason" - why would Russia prefer a possible "cowboy-loose cannon, greenhorn-untested president like Trump to known quantity-completely corrupt politician, who'd already been bought via the Clinton Foundation? The Russia appearing to buy corruption to get U.S. uranium alone, should have Russia favoring Hillary as President of These United States (POTUS).

The Russians were already laughing at Hillary Clinton over her silly mis-labeled "reset" button gimmick as U.S. secretary of state. Encouraged, the Russians continued their project to buy-up 20 percent of America's uranium production, approved by Hillary Clinton's State Department quid-pro-quo "bribed for" for a half-million-dollar speaking "gig" for her husband, Bill Clinton and millions of dollars donated to the Clinton Foundation.

The erstwhile left-leaning Politifact rated this claim as FALSE! (-- LIAR, LIAR PANTS ON FIRE! )-- due to the fact that Trump referred to 20 percent of America's "uranium," not to 20 percent of America's "uranium capacity." This "word parsing-nit-picking" is the sort of serious reporting Americans can count on from the MSM known as America's watchdog media.

As George Bush, the Senior preferred the "known predictability of Saddam Hussein to a replacement, the last thing America's enemies want is unpredictability in the American leader of the free world. Trump - who will not "tip his hand" to reveal his strategy - considered unpredictable. Economically speaking Putin wants. Russia's only export is energy - Putin wants a coal-hating-drilling/fracking hate to drive down the world oil price. In fact, all the oil-producing nations - would have preferred Hillary Clinton.

Let's assume for "jollies" that the "Last Boy Scout - goody-two-shoes" Russians were morally offended by a woman they were able to could be buy (Louisianna Purchase style) for a $500,000 speaking fee. In their moral-cravings what they really wanted for was an America-first president promising to put American interests first and foremost.

Why would trained spies, like Putin, favor helping Trump to release emails showing the DNC was biased against "poor" Bernie Sanders?

Assuming a full-blown-Trump-Derangement-Syndrome hater believes, (normal AKA "Norms")people fail to follow the conspiracy at the time the Russian puppet-master supposedly said,"Self, I have an IDEA! -- Let's give this to WikiLeaks - they release it and the Democrats think WE gave this to WikiLeaks because that would convince the Democrats we are in colusion with Trump - they go insane, attack Trump forever and with a little luck...we share the world with our communist friends.”

American political science "learned-ones" and other experts haven't the "foggiest idea" how to shape the electorate to vote their way. The GOP "political geniuses had a $140 million "war chest" comprised of their own money for Jib! Jab! Jeb! be that dedicated or is that "dead-in-the-head-icated - "loserman" for the nominee.

Some people think that the Democrats were openly rooting and hoping the GOP would nominate Trump. People "in the know" KNEW that Trump was just not that magical loserman that John F. McCain and Mittens Romney were. And Trump was miles from Dole-ing away his chance. Many of these same people thought Democrats hoped in their shrevelled little black hearts and preyed on other peoples' minds - in 1980 for Ronald Reagan as a "Great Divider". Some Republicans dreaded the very thought of Al Franken running for the U.S. Senate because the Senate was/is already full of "punks" as Obama used to call himself and John McCain and the "check-writers" of the long-gone House banking scandal. A few had gone on to become Senators unfortunately. ( Rep. William E. Dannemeyer (R-Fullerton) and  Rep. Barbara Boxer (D-Greenbrae), admitted kiting 87 bad checks but was acredited with 143. The other Democrat had the misfortune of having a smeared last name of McCarthy although probably not related.  Orange County's other congressmen, Reps. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach) and Robert K. Dornan (R-Garden Grove) both confessed in 1992 that they overdrawn their accounts. At least 10 California House members admitted kiting checks, including Rep. Duncan L. Hunter (R-Coronado), who was remorseless about at least 160 checks.  Rep. George E. Brown Jr. (D-Colton), Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Simi Valley), Rep. Richard H. Lehman (D-Sanger), Rep. Matthew G. Martinez (D-Monterey Park) and Rep. Pete Stark (D-Oakland). O

Others were :
Name State Party # of checks Months overdue
Tommy F. Robinson   Ark Republican 996 16
Robert J. Mrazek New York Democrat 920 23
Robert W. Davis Michigan Republican 878 13
Doug Walgren Pennsylvania Democrat 858 16
Charles F. Hatcher Georgia Democrat 819 35
Stephen J. Solarz New York Democrat 743 30
Charles A. Hayes Illinois Democrat       716 15
Ronald D. Coleman Texas Democrat    673 23
Carl C. Perkins Kentucky Democrat    514 14
Bill Alexander Arkansas Democrat    487 18
William F. Goodling Penn Republican 430 9
Ed Towns New York Democrat           408 18
Ed Feighan Ohio Democrat               397 8
Harold Ford, Sr. Tennessee Democrat 743 30
Mickey Edwards Ok       Republican 386 13
Bill Clay Missouri Democrat                   328 9
Tony Coelho California Democrat        316 12
John Conyers Michigan Democrat        273 9
Mary Rose Oakar Ohio Democrat        213 18
Joseph D. Early Mass       Democrat 124 13
Douglas H. Bosco California Democrat 124 13
Jim Bates California Democrat            89 9

Some 77 Representatives resigned or were ousted (flushed) in the 1994 election. Four ex-Congressmen, and a Delegate. and the former House Sergeant at Arms, Jack Russ, pleaded guilty to three felonies.

Among these, former US House Rep. Buz Lukens (R-OH) was convicted on bribery and conspiracy charges. Former Rep. Carl C. Perkins (D-KY) pleaded guilty to various charges including a check kiting scheme involving several financial institutions including the House Bank. Former Rep. Carroll Hubbard (D-KY) pleaded guilty to three felonies.

Early on in the scandal, when the then responsible and noble media (MSM) started reporting on the loose practices, Republican Minority Whip Newt Gingrich, and 7 freshman Republicans referred to as the Gang of Seven or "The Young Turks", decided to publicize the scandal in an attempt to sweep (flush) congressmen with overdrawn accounts, most of them Democrats, out of office. Newt Gingrich himself only had 22 overdrawn checks, one a $9,463 check to the Internal Revenue Service (IRSS). The IRS is probably WHY Gingrich had the other 21, since that sum was a LOT OF MONEY in 1992. Jim Nussle, one of the Gang of Seven, gained national attention when he delivered a speech from the well of the House while wearing a paper bag over his head to protest the "shameful" ethical behavior involved in the scandal.

Newt Gingrich pressured the then Speaker of the House Tom Foley to make sure that the special counsel appointed to investigate the matter informed the voting public of the overdrafts and the identities of all of the Congressmen responsible.

Returning from those thrilling days of yesteryear, just a few days before the election, America's premier journal of liberal opinion, The New York Times, gave Hillary a 91 percent chance of winning. LOL, ROFL. This is hilarious, more so than the over-publisized "DEWEY WINS" that was "forevered" into a few history books, since DEWEY was a Republican. The Princeton Election Consortium calculated/prognosticated Hillary's chances at 99 percent. The Huffington Post's polling aggregator stated Hillary's odds at 98 percent.

Since Hillary lost miserably, the DNC leaks might well have have been the best thing that ever happened to the Democrats. Had the Democrats pulled a Torricelli and sent her a letter about her illegal campaign contributions forcing Hillary Clinton to fall out, they could have run Joe (Bite Me) Biden instead? Bite Me, Presidential Medal of Freedom, apparently for being "free, white and twenty-one" i.e. for no discernable reason - is practically a household name and much more popular than Hillary Clinton could ever be. And he makes people laugh when he says goofy things like Nancy (500,000,000 Unemployed) Pelosi. The entire US population in 2010 according to the census -- was 138,000,000.

Wasn't the more logical leaker someone like the murdered man - within the DNC who had suffered enough with David Brock and Debbie Wasserman Schultz leading the Democrat party into an abyss? The actual leaker most likely decided to save the party since Hillary Clinton is STILL trying to destroy what remains of it!

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, and his associate, former British ambassador Craig Murray, both stated that the DNC emails were from a whistleblower within the DNC. Murray has even identified the precise location where a DNC insider passed him the emails -- a park near American University.

Was the email leaker 27 year old Seth Rich, a ,voter expansion data director,
Washington, D.C., on July 10, 2016. It was investigated as a robbery although his wallet, credit cards and watch were not taken. Rich's mother told the local NBC reporter of bruises on his face, knees and hands, apparently from trying to fight off his attackers before getting shot twice in the back.

Rich could have been the DNC staffer responsible for leaking the 20,000 damaging DNC emails to Wikileaks since an allegation is that Sanders allies convinced Rich to leak information. Rich had previously worked on the U.S. Senate campaign for Nebraska businessman Scott Kleeb, who lost his election. Afterward, the Clinton Global Initiative had provided funding for a clean energy business founded by Scott Kleeb, investigated after losing $300,000 in 2010 and another $300,000 in 2011 despite the subsidies. Seth Rich was also previously employed at a data firm that had worked with the Clintons. After news of possible corruption emerged between the Clinton Global Initiative and Kleeb, supposedly that led to Sanders’ cronies pressuring Rich to leak goings on.

Despite a $25,000 reward, police have no substantial leads.

Assange oft seen as a misguided zealot, but nobody among his friends or his enemies label him a liar. His image is almost  the opposite - a self-righteousness fanatic truther distinctly not one to be "loose with the truth."

A fact to be overlooked by the media is that very quietly, every staffer at the DNC was fired? They are not likely to "make waves" over their dismissals.

Was Shawn Lucas death somehow connected to the WikiLeaks? Lucas and filmmaker Ricardo Villaba had served the DNC on July 3 with a complaint and summons in a fraud action on behalf of Sanders supporters. This could have been goaded a bit since in a video, Lucas, doing what a policeman usually does, can be seen smiling as if allegreatious and happy to do it.

On August 2, Lucas was found lying on the bathroom floor dead by his girlfriend when she arrived that evening although the girlfriend said he was in good health. Holy Hoyt Axton, movie sheep rancher, Batdude!

John Ashe, the former President of the United Nations General Assembly, mysteriously died on June 22. This was rather convienently only a few days before he was scheduled to begin pretrial meetings involving shady financial dealings concerning a former Clinton crony. Local police officers found that he died from dropping a barbell on his throat while working out, although the UN strangely first claimed Ashe had died of a heart attack. The 61-year-old was a witness to testify against Chinese real estate developer Ng Lap Seng, who was implicated in the “Chinagate” scandal for funneling money to the DNC for Bill Clinton through Arkansas restaurant owner Charlie Trie in the 1990s. Ashe was arrested in 2016 for allegedly receiving over $3 million in bribes from Chinese businessmen, including over half a million from Ng Lap Se, in exchange for construction of a United Nations conference center in Macau.

Henry Shillingford, Dominican attorney Henry Shillingford was curious about Ashe's death stating, “It is strange for Antigua’s most senior diplomat to be implicated and die under such troubling circumstances.” The New York Post’s Page Six published a skeptical article questioning the suspicious circumstances. A protected reporter source told the NYPPS, “During the trial, the prosecutors would have linked Ashe to the Clinton bagman Ng. It would have been very embarrassing. His death was conveniently timed.”

Nevertheless, Ashe's widow, Dr Anilla Cherian, stated that this final finding was the third time that her husband had been found collapsed at their domicile.

Victor Thorn, author of four books about the Clintons' shenanigans, reportedly suicided with a gun on his 54th birthday, August 1, while atop a "Marilyn" mountain nearby his Pennsylvania home. The books Thorn (in the side) authored were Hillary (And Bill): The Sex Volume, Hillary (And Bill): The Drugs Volume, and Hillary (And Bill): The Murder Volume, and his latest -- published in February, Crowning Clinton: Why Hillary Shouldn't Be in the White House.

The tabloid known as The Inqisitr stated that Thorn had appeared several times on The Russell Scott Show and repeatedly told the host, “Russell, if I’m ever found dead, it was murder. I would never kill myself.” Apparently he may have "done the final deed" - out of sheer spite.

An aide to Hillary’s running mate Tim Kaine, died of a heart attack on July 25. Joe Montano had worked for the DNC and was only 47.

A fellow named Larry Nichols claimed on the Pete Santilli Show that he was hired as a hitman for the Clintons, and killed several people years ago, but he apparently did not bother to assert that he would never kill himself.

Hey, how many other politicians have had so many mysterious deaths associated with them? A Bush body count is not mentioned — not even an Obama body count -- very much - if at all. Amazingly - Snopes, the erstwhile left-leaning internet myth debunker alot of people have financial curiosity about, labels the Clinton body count as false. Nevertheless, the outstanding main site that carries an long and extensive list of the Clinton body count -- reports that is constantly under attack by hackers of Hillary’s. Snopes would accredit all this hacking to the Russians most likely.

In any case, many assert that the gun laws in Washington,DC need to be changed to allow people to protect themselves. Innocent lady, Emily Miller, former Wash Times columnist, after being robbed while housesitting for a friend, authored a tome about how troublesome it was to obtain a gun for self-protection in DC, Emily Gets Her Gun. As luck would have it, there is presently pending litigation challenging these &%^&*()#* draconian laws. Whether Seth Rich was murdered by confused robbers or mere assassins, a gun very likely would have saved his life.

The claim that Russia hacked the DNC's emails to help Trump is the sort of excuse theory that can only be fabricated after the fact and several other excuses "went away".

The DNC would much prefer blaming North Korea or ISIS and these "usual suspects hacked" the 2016 election and assisted Trump. This it is "too bad" that, Trump has no business dealings whatsoever with ISIS or the Pyongyang regime. Trump -- or people he knows --including the man who wants immunity to testify-- have had some very vague business dealings with Russia. So the left-leaning DNC is rabidly promoting its kooky and krazy -- Russia-did-it conspiracy.

With Susan Rice wontonly weighing in - the whole fictional narrative is collapsing of its own weight making the DNC's need evermore urgent, to distract from the Obama administration's use of national security intelligence-gathering agencies to spy on designated DNC "domestic enemies" like President Donald J.Trump.

Of course, after the "Arizona Tarmac Clinton Conference about Grandchildren and Golf" so ensnared Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice may snicker and smirk - to her heart's contentment at her new-found fame.



  1. Looks like google gotcha with its limitations for situations. Lots of people are writing around topic and looking foolish because their "moniker" does not jive with their content all of a sudden.Not to worry though, lots of other unknowns like your style.

    1. Then they tack someone else's name on yours to make u appear to be conversing with your own self. I've never been to Chicago much less riffed a raft over there.
